April 29, 2018 End Times News Alert

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1st Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” 

North and South Korea Declare End to War, Proclaim “New Era of Peace”  We have heard this before! The same game, only the players have changed! Let’s pray it is true, but my discernment says look out!

The Handshake Delusion: Twenty years after the Oslo Peace Accord, a moldy myth drags on!

Preaching, Teaching and Saying what Limp Wristed Preachers with Lace on their Panties WONT Preach, Teach or Say! 

This weeks Abortion News:  Click here  MUST SEE VIDEO!

This weeks Ignorance Gone to Seed Awards: 

Atheists demand IRS bill churches $1 billion

Free airline apple costs woman $500 at Customs

University Offers ‘Cry Closet’ For Stressed-Out Snowflakes

Body mod fans DRILLING HOLES in heads to expand their MINDS

University of New Mexico Erects ‘Free Speech Zone’ Signs to Alert Students of ‘Uncomfortable’ Speech, Including Gospel Preaching

Schizophrenia: Rep. Maxine Waters: “I Certainly Meant It” When I Said Comey “Has No Credibility” – But “I Believe Him” About Trump

Isaiah 5:20-21 News: The World has gone NUTS and Topsy-Turvy!

Teacher told to change shirt that had ‘Just Pray’ on it

Off-duty fire captain investigated for helping put out blaze

GQ Says That The Holy Bible Is ‘Not Worth Reading’ Then Ironically Calls Their Own Magazine The ‘Style Bible’

Carter Center sued for providing support to Hamas, defrauding taxpayers Jimmy Carter is supposed to be one of those Good ole Baptist Boys even though he is a Democrat that supports Abortion and Homosexuality.

Signs of the Times  Mark 13:4-10 and Luke 21:25-28

Winter storm Xanto brought historic April snowfall, US

Czech Republic to move embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

Flash flood kills 10 teenagers in desert as unseasonable storm hits Israel

Christian Persecution in China only getting worse and worse, it’s a crisis

NWS: New national 24-hr rainfall record potentially set in Waiapa, Hawaii

Hawaiian island got about 50 inches of rain in 24 hours. Scientists warn it’s a sign of the future

Iranian leader Ayatollah Khameini says that ALL Muslim nations should unite and wage war against The United States and Israel

Vanuatu evacuates entire population of volcanic Ambae – Thousands permanently resettled as Manaro volcano spews ash 30cm deep

Israel To Build New Embassy Quarter In Jerusalem As More Countries Decide To Follow President Trump And Move Their Embassies There

Genesis 6 – Transhumanism – Get up to Speed on the Watchers here.

Was there another civilization on Earth before humans? Scientists investigate

After mass shootings: they’re not just coming for guns, they’re coming for brains

Plagues – Disease – Vaccine hoax

Kansas continues to struggle with measles outbreak

Romaine lettuce outbreak update: 98 people sick in 22 states

American Doctor Kicked out of Africa for Healing Ebola with Ozone Therapy

False Religions: Atheism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism etc.

The Iran Protests No One Is Covering

Teen goes Undercover to Expose a Pedophile Priest

Christian Woman in Pakistan Dies after Being Set on Fire

Police Slow to Respond to Vicious Attack on Pastor in Uttar Pradesh, India

London Mayor Wants To Ban Free Speech On Social Media Because “Muslims are offended”

Why is the world silent as a Christian woman is burned to death for refusing to marry a Muslim man in her area?

Muslims are outraged that French leaders demand they renounce anti-Jewish and anti-Christian passages in the Koran

Pedophile – Sodom and Gomorrah – Sex Trafficking News – Sexual Perversion

NXIVM is also a Child Sex Trafficking Cult

School explicit sex videos for 14-year-olds outrage parents

Toronto van killer was angry women wouldn’t sleep with him

‘Smallville’ actress Allison Mack arrested for role in alleged sex cult

Court To Release Names Of ‘VIP Pedophiles’ Connected To Jeffrey Epstein

NBC Anchor Tom Brokaw Accused Of Sexually Molesting ‘Barely Legal’ Staffer

Sodomy State Assembly Passes Bill Banning Gay Conversion Therapy. Not Surprising at all!

Witchcraft – Satanism – Demon Possession – Mark of the Beast

Ancient Mass Child Sacrifice May Be World’s Largest

Tranny Witch sues to practice witchcraft at all-male N.C. prison

‘Satanic Christian’ couple in child porn case caught by FBI Cincinnati task force

Mark of the Beast in India: Require Fingerprint Scans for Food, Phones and Finances

Muslims seeking Exorcisms from Catholic Priests to Battle against the Devil and Witchcraft

Christians Call for International Day of Prayer for North Korea to Fight ‘Demonic Principalities’

Illegal Aliens – DACA – Muslim Refugee News

California Faces Backlash over Sanctuary State Laws

Refugee Rapes 12-Year-Old Girl – “Didn’t Know It Was Illegal”

‘Refugee’ Spared Prison After Strangling, Sexually Assaulting Woman in Maidstone, Kent

Big Brother – Police State – Gun Confiscation – Crooked Cops

Ex-cop arrested as suspected Golden State killer

Venezuela Banned Guns. Now Their Murder Rate Is Skyrocketing

Family Fined for having a Bible Study in the Privacy of their Own Home

LAPD Officer Arrested For Trying To Smuggle Immigrants Across Border

Minneapolis: Muslim cop who killed unarmed woman to plead self-defense

Senator Kamala Harris Attacks Second Amendment: “Assault Weapons Should Not Be Walking The Streets Of A Civilized Country”

Bill Gates backs a $1 billion plan to cover Earth in ‘Big Brother’ satellites capable of streaming ‘live and unfiltered’ HD footage of the planet. They have already done it!

Deputies Took Waffle House Shooting Suspect’s Firearms in 2017, Believe His Father gave it back to him. More Gun Laws will NOT work! It is a SIN problem that can only be remedied by Salvation!


Black grad student brags she gave whites lower grades

Black South African leader says they have permission to kill whites

Sarah Sanders Swats Away Race-Baiting Question From CNN’s Jim Acosta

Amy Schumer apologizes for being white, even though her ancestors were all from Africa

Leftist NGO Says ‘Hate Speech’ Targeting Journalists On The Rise and so is saying the word Tranny!

University of Southern California unveils “dismantle whiteness” mural in latest insane attack on people based on the color of their skin

Other News of Interest

Colorado Will Soon be the New Capital of America

Israel Bracing for Potential Security ‘Flashpoints’ in May

April 2018 Syrian Chemical Attack was Staged Theatrics

World’s First Bank Entirely Run By Robots Opens Up In China

9/11 Families: Evidence of Explosives found at site of Terror Attack

Carla Ortiz Debunks the Alleged “Humanitarian Mandate” of the “White Helmets” in Syria. They Work Hand in Glove with Al Qaeda

Jerusalem’s new embassy row to be named ‘Trump Town’?  If so, this will send the Communist Leftists and Muslim’s into Nuclear Meltdown!

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!