End Times News Update February 6 and 7, 2021

Hey folks we need your Help!! Click Here

Psalms 11:3 “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”   When Communists are in charge, the people mourn!

The Communist Take Over of the World is Full Throttle – The Anti-Christ will emerge SOON!

Ahab and Jezebel Are Now in Charge of America

Imprecatory Prayer: You MUST Engage The Enemy!

There is NO Separation of Church and State in the Bible. If you believe that, you are Biblically Ignorant!

Latest Abortion News:  Click here

Today’s Featured Videos: #1  #2

Today’s Featured Articles: #1  #2  

Today’s Featured Music Video: Oh the Blood of Jesus

Today’s Featured Cartoons:  #1  #2  

Featured Series: Generational, Ancestral and Family Curses. What are they and do they really exist? 10 Part series. Start here at Part One

Send in your Prayer Requests Here  –  Archived Alerts can be seen here

Good news for a Change

GOD prefers TRUMP to BIDEN!

The Church Outlasted Nero and It Will Outlast Anyone Who Seeks to Outlaw Its TeachingsRomans 9:27 Romans 11:5

Ignorance Gone to Seed – Projection – Fake News – Social Media – Communist LUNATICS:  See Enemy of the People here

Hot Mic Catches Democrats Mocking the Pledge of Allegiance

PETA Says Animals Are Being Offended By Us – Are We Getting Dumber?

MSNBC Host Suggests Drone Striking Americans Who Criticize COVID Lockdowns

Wisconsin Governor Reimposes Mask Mandate After GOP-Led Legislature Votes to Repeal It

Fox Faux Business cancels ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ after a decade  — Despicable and Cowardly Move: Was Lou Dobbs the Sacrificial Lamb so Fox News Could Protect Their Other Hosts?

Signs of the Times – False Religions – Apostasy – Hypocrisy – Christian Persecution  Mark 13:4-10Luke 21:25-28Isaiah 5:20-21 

Pregnant Christian Woman Loses Baby after Hindu Extremist Attack

Orthodox Priest Kills 6 Week Old Baby: Murder by Infant Baptism Ritual

University Promotes Event to ‘Root Out Racism’ Among ‘White Christian Folks’

2 new comets and a rare trojan asteroid orbiting Earth discovered by astronomers within 3 weeks

Churches are still closed in 90% of California Exclusive: Barbara Simpson figures recalling Gov. Newsom would help restore freedom of religion

Plagues – Disease – Famine – Eugenics and Genocide – Climate Hoax – Georgia Guide Stones – Revelation 16:9  18:4 

Climate Commies Introduce Democrat Bill to Declare “National Emergency” on “Climate”

Dr. Fauci Secretly Ordered Chinese ‘Animal Experiments’ With Disturbing Links to COVID Outbreak

Climate ‘Official’ Says Gov’t Has to ‘TURN the SCREWS’ to ‘BREAK the WILL’ of Average Americans Over Emissions

Pedophilia – Sodom and Gomorrah – GAYSTAPO – Sex Trafficking – Feminism –  More LGBTQPXYZ news here

The GAYSTAPO Conducts a High-Tech Lynching at DePaul University

Satanism – Witchcraft – New Age – Demon Possession – Mark of the Beast – Transhumanism – Nephilim – Alien Agenda

Scientists Are Weaving Human Brain Cells Into Microchips

False Flags – Big Brother – Police State – Gun Confiscation – Crooked Cops – Vote Fraud

10 Pounds Of High Powered C-4 Explosives Disappear From California Military Base – What, and WHEN,  are the feds going to blow up to blame on Patriots?

Domestic Terrorists – Racism – Antifa – Black Lives Matter Racists – Illegal Aliens – DACA – Racism needs a willing Vessel 

Biden Vows Flood of 110,000 Extra Refugees Next Year

253 Migrants Illegal Aliens Apprehended in One Hour Along Texas Border with Mexico

Nick Cannon Gets His Job Back After Calling White People ‘Savages’ — This Is How Real Privilege Works

Biden Kills Asylum Deals With Central American Nations, Orders Border Patrol to Let Illegal Aliens Roam Free

That Didn’t Take Long: US Borders Wide Open – Fake Asylum Seekers Walk Across Border and Are Immediately Released

Black Lives Matter & Antifa Communist Revolutionaries March Through Washington, D.C., Chanting ‘If We Don’t Get It, Burn It Down’

IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI: List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th – All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far Left Groups

The Truth Is Now Considered ‘Insurrection’ As War Is Declared On White, Patriotic, And Religious Americans, They Aren’t Even Hiding They Want Us Dead Anymore

Trump Derangement Disease – This is the Real Plague. The Cure is to get Saved and become a True Patriot!

What of ‘Individual-1’? Feds’ Trump campaign case is ‘dead’

Other News of Interest  –  Biden Bumbling Gaffes  Matthew 15:14

Iranian diplomat convicted of Paris bomb plot

Homosexual Democrat Shepard Smith Calls Viral Video of Floridians Living Without Masks Like Normal Human Beings: ‘Shocking’

Time Magazine Posts Shocking Admission That Biden Election Was Orchestrated By A ‘Well-Funded Secret Cabal’ That ‘Changed Rules And Laws’

Until Next time, KLTJ –  Keep Looking To Jesus!

Jon and Josie

Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?”

Preaching the True Gospel of Jesus Christ without apology! Saying what Preachers with LACE on their PANTIES won’t say!

The Communist Democrat Party really is the Party of Death and that of Destruction and Treason! They are The Beast and Enemy Within!

You can donate 3 ways to help us in these trying times. At the Give Send Go, you can read just a little bit of what has been happening for OVER a year now due to my wife Josie’s heart attack!

By Give Send Go

By Pay Pal or Stripe

By sending via regular mail

2nd Corinthians 9:6-7 “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.“


Online Ministries
Pray for My Child
Prayer is Warfare
Eye Opening Truth

Ass Clown University
Christian Network News

Government Propaganda
Catholics are NOT Christians
Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft

Social Media:
Fascist book – Twitter Alternatives



GAB Channel
Bitchute Channel
Brighteon Channel
Ministry YouTube Channel

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!