June 7, 2020 End Times News Alert

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Galatians 5:17 “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” 

Previous News Alerts are archived here

This weeks Abortion News:  Click here

This weeks Featured Video: Click Here  Video 2

This weeks Featured Articles: Article 1  Article 2  Article 3  Article 4  Article 5  Article 6  Article 7  Article 8  Been a busy week!!

This weeks Featured Music Video: Click Here  Taking it back!!

This weeks Featured Cartoons: Cartoon 1  Cartoon 2  Cartoon 3  Cartoon 4  Cartoon 5

This New Featured Series of Articles:  Pandemic, Plandemic, or Both?   Part 1  Part 2   Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6

Send in your Prayer Requests Here 

Good news for a Change

Iran Releases U.S. Navy Veteran Detained for Nearly Two Years

Trucker Who Drove Through Unruly Mob on Minneapolis Highway Leaves Jail with No Charges

Leftist Michigan Woman Charged With Inciting Riots After Posting Facebook Live Video — Faces Up to 10 Years

Unanimous 7-0 Decision! Michigan Supreme Court Unanimously Sides with 77-Year-Old Barber Over Democrat Despot Gretchen Witchmer

President Trump Signs Religious Freedom Executive Order: ‘Religious Freedom, America’s First Freedom, is a Moral and National Security Imperative’

Christianity Rapidly Growing in Oppressive Iran This is great news! However, if it is one of the cults that Pose as Christians, ie, Catholicism, Mormonism and ILK like that, it is not good news. Those cults are no better than Islam and the people would still be doomed to Hell!

This weeks Ignorance Gone to Seed Awards:


Rioters Burn Property of Homeless People in Austin

Lesbian mayor blames ‘white men’ for ‘violence and destruction’ at riots

Teen Vogue Tells Readers “ANTIFA Aspires Toward Creating A Better World”

Woman Kneels on Demand in the Street to Apologize For Her “White Privilege”

24-year-old dies while rigging explosives as Philly terrorized in string of ATM blasts

STOP Bowing and Kneeling White People: You had best Repent for the Abomination!

New York Cops Suspended After Shoving 75-Year-Old Man To The Ground In Viral Video

Defense Secretary Esper Orders National Guard NOT to Carry Guns or Ammunition in Washington DC

Woke Mob Goes After Elmer Fudd — Cartoon Character Will Not Have a Gun in ‘Looney Tunes’ Reboot

Isaiah 5:20-21 News: Apostasy – Hypocrisy – Christian Persecution. The World has gone Totally NUTS and Topsy-Turvy!

Antifa Chased Out of Town by Hells Angels Biker Gang

A Massive Distraction from Something MUCH Bigger to Come!

Do the Communist Democrats in New York Really Read the Bible?

Nickelodeon Frightens Children With “I Can’t Breathe” Virtue Signal

CNN Reaches a New Low: Now they are Attacking WHITE CHILDREN!

Some Prisoners Released, but Iran Continues Crack-Down on Christians

This is interesting! Rioters attack churches and synagogues, but no mosques

Candace Owens: ‘Black Lives Only Matter To Liberals Every 4 Years Ahead of an Election’

Pro-Abortion Evangelical Race-Baiting Ministry Uses Riots to Demand Reparations From White People

WHAT? CNN’s Antifa-Backing Chris “Fredo” Cuomo Declares Protests Are Not Required to Be Peaceful

Communist Democrats Riot all across the Country and Attack Fellow Communists CNN Headquarters in Atlanta

Evil Reigns Supreme Across America: George Soros Funded Antifa and Black Lives Matters Anarchists Wreak Havoc!

Black women patriots to white liberals: “STOP IT! STOP bowing down to black people and kissing their feet. It is sick and demonic!

Signs of the Times  Mark 13:4-10 and Luke 21:25-28 – Prophecy – Climate Hoax


Bible site where ‘Jesus fed the 5,000’ hit by flood

Houses swept away in powerful landslide in Norway

Epic Hailstorm Buries Cars and Forces Residents to Shovel in Lombardy, Italy

10 Foot Tsunami Kills One After a Volcanic Earthquake Hit Mount Ijen Volcano in Indonesia

Has Antichrist’s Father Spoken? Lightning Strike Energizes Washington Obelisk For Prophetic Task

Italian Doctors Say Coronavirus Losing Potency – YEP, it dose not serve the narrative any longer. People are seeing right through the hoax!

5 Suns Appear in the Sky Over Ivory Coast, Africa the Same Day Protests, Riots and Looting Have Started in Minneapolis –  Signs of the End Times?

Plagues – Disease – Famine – Vaccine Hoax – 5G  ***Educate yourself about the Georgia Guide Stones!!***


Sores on the Skin: Is that the next Plague to hit the Planet?

Scientists increasingly say coronavirus was created in a lab

Swarm of Deadly Mutant Ticks Invade Russia With 2,125 Children Attacked

India Funds Vaccine Cartel Accused Of 38 Million Premature Deaths Worldwide

Two Major Hydroxychloroquine Studies RETRACTED! CNN Hosts Visibly Upset

Trump was right once again as WHO resumes hydroxychloroquine study for Covid-19

NBC News trashes hydroxychloroquine to protect lucrative vaccine profits while Americans needlessly suffer and die 

Bill Gates, The CDC, Fauci And Birx Now Totally Silent About The Mass Race Riots Across America Proves The COVID-19 Lockdown Was A Total Scam

Man Made False Religions = Atheism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Mormonism, Scientology etc.

President and First Lady Kneel and Pray to a False god

Pope silent about captive Italian woman’s possibly forced conversion to Islam

Honor killings rampant in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and spreading to the West

Catholic Collage in Canada will Celebrate Queer Pride Month with Rainbow Flag

Southern Baptist Leader, Ed Stetzer Marches in ANTIFA/Black Lives Matter Protest in Chicago

Hillsong Pastor’s Daughter Screams and Screeches at Police During Riots and Anarchy in NYC

Democrats Colluding With Muslim Terrorists: NY Cop-Stabber Yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ During Attack

Islamic Republic of Iran stands with Antifa and BLM, calls American law enforcement “vicious dogs”

Faux Christian Kanye West Dumps the Bible and Joins in with Racist Black Lives Matter Protesters

Evangelical Pastor in Rome Says Christians Must ‘Gently Challenge’ Roman Catholicism With the Word of God – NO! Present the Gospel, tell them they will go to Hell for being a Catholic. If they don’t accept it, Shake the dust and leave! Matthew 10:24

Pedophilia – Sodom and Gomorrah – Sex Trafficking – Feminism –  More LGBTQPXYZ news here

Witch gets attacked by Tranny’s

Trump Admin to Supreme Court: Let Christian Adoption Agencies Deny Same-Sex Couples

WHO sex-ed program for kids under 4: Homosexuality, pornography, masturbation with others

‘Only One Rainbow Matters’: Skittles Releases Rainbow-Less ‘Pride Packs’ to Recognize Homosexual Pride Month

Progressive Perversion: Demon-Possessed Couple ‘Sexually Abused Young Boy With an Object and Cut His Genitals With a Knife’

L.A. Pride is Teaming up with Black Lives Matter To Have Their Parade After all – Imagine that! Birds of a Feather do Flock together! 

Satanism – Witchcraft – New Age – Demon Possession – Mark of the Beast  Be sure and bookmark the website

Cannibal in California Kills His Grandmother

The Kingdom of Darkness is Flourishing: Manifesting in Willing Vessels Like Never Before!

New York State Bar Association considers proposal to demand ‘mandatory’ COVID-19 vaccine

Transhumanism – Nephilim – Alien Agenda  Get up to Speed on the Watchers here.

Human-mouse hybrid hailed by top scientists as the most human yet

Orb-Like Alien Spacecraft Recorded Over US Space Command Base NORAD

Illegal Aliens – DACA – MS-13 “Divine” ones – Muslim Refugee News – Weekly Terrorist News here

Latino Gangs Go to War With ‘Looters’ in Cicero Suburb of Chicago

People Illegals  are sawing through and climbing over Trump’s border wall

Two Killed, Including a Human Smuggler, During Border Patrol Chase in Arizona

False Flags – Big Brother – Police State – Gun Confiscation – Crooked Cops – Terrorists – Bernie Bros – Antifia

Pipe Bombs Staged in Washington D.C.

COLLUSION: Antifa and the Muslim Brotherhood

Antifa Finally Officially Exposed As A Terrorist Organization

Keep Your Children OUT of Public Schools is Portland Oregon!

Mr. Attorney General Please Start with these Domestic Terrorists

Bowing and Taking a Knee is NOT Enough for the Racist Communist Mob

AOC helping rioters: ‘Cover identifying tattoos,’ wear heat-resistant gloves

Kneeling Protesters Told to Recite: ‘Revolution Is the Solution, Not Voting!’

WARNING to Rioters and Thieves: I’m Highly Recommending Residents Shoot You Dead!

Criminal Gangs Who Ransacked NYC Arrived In Chauffeured Cars, Used Power Tools, Witnesses Say

Rioters ‘are Paid, and They are Laying in Wait . . . None of This is Random; It is Organized, It is Programmed’

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Censoring Those Who Want Law and Order (Including the President) While Aiding Domestic Terrorists

Baby-Killing Blackfaced Democrat Ralph ‘Coonman’ Northam Uses Riots as Excuse to Push His Radical Leftist Agenda, Remove Historic Robert E. Lee Statue

Homosexual CNN Black Supremacist Don Lemon Gives Violent Rioters a Tongue Bath: Riots a ‘Mechanism for Restructure in Our Country’ — ‘No Other Alternative but to Exhibit This Behavior’

Racism – Hate Hoaxes – Eugenics and Genocide – Euthanasia  – Be sure and read Racism needs a willing Vessel  

Racism, Inc

Deputy Killed, 2 Other Officers Shot in California Ambush

Mad Maxine Waters has made an Ass out of Herself Again

Racist Joe Biden fought for segregation in schools, experts say

Iranian TV: Black Americans Have Literacy Skills of 3rd Graders

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Niece: It Has Nothing to Do with Skin Color

Fake News CNN uses Sesame Street to brainwash children on racism

CNN’s Van Jones: ‘White, Liberal Hillary Supporters’ Are More Dangerous Than KKK

Islamic Republic of Iran stands with Antifa and BLM, calls American law enforcement “vicious dogs”

No Evidence White Supremacists Sparking Riots as the Fake News Outlets would have you believe

Communist Democrat Trash – RINO Republican Scum – Vote Fraud – Fake News

Communist Rag New York Times is a Kingdom Divided!

Leftists Panic After Seeing ‘White Men With LARGE GUNS’ Defending Their Own Neighborhoods

BLACKOUT! CNN, MSNBC Refuse to Cover Black Cop Being Murdered in Cold Blood by Marxist Rioters

Crooked Manhattan DA Cy Vance Refuses to Prosecute Protest-Related Arrests “In the Interest of Justice”

Pro-Antifa Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison Given Reins to Prosecute Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin

Corrupt Former DOJ DAG Rod Rosenstein to Testify Before Senate Committee Today – Will He Finally Have to Answer These Key Questions?

Trump Derangement Disease – Lunatics in the News!

Sharpton: Trump ‘Aggressively Reversed’ Measures to Hold Police Accountable

It’s a real Disease!  Pelosi Suffers 10-Second Mental Lapse On-Camera During Press Conference

As Mad Maxine Waters Blames Trump for Riots, Petition gets 125, 000 Plus Signatures to REMOVE the Jezebel from Congress

Mad Marxist Mob Inciter Maxine Waters, Who Lives in a $4 Million Mansion Outside of Her Poor District, Freaks Out: Remove President Trump ‘Before this Would-Be Dictator Takes Us All Down’

Other News of Interest

Trump Administration Bars Chinese Passenger Planes from Entry

Former Acting DNI Richard Grenell: “There Were Red Flags Early On in the Russia Investigation” and the Deep State Classified and Hid Them

NBC reporter downplays DC church fire as ‘some vandalism’ – Same mentality the Muslim Jezebel Ilhah Omar has “Some people did something” 

Child Terrorized – Cries Out in Terror as Leftist Rioters Attack Houston Children’s Hospital and Hurl Bricks at her Car

SORRY AMERICA – Those Catastrophic Mortality Rates Sold to Us by the WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Were a Huge Scam

Until Next time, KLTJ –  Keep Looking To Jesus!

Jon and Josie

Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?”

Preaching the True Gospel of Jesus Christ without apology! Saying what Preachers with LACE on their PANTIES won’t say!

The Communist Democrat Party really is the Party of Death and that of Destruction and Treason! They are The Beast and Enemy Within!

Time are tough! Please consider a Donation. Even a dollar would help!

2nd Corinthians 9:6-7 “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.“


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If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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